Happy New Year!


1st January 2018 - Today marks a new year, a new week & a new day.

There isn't a more perfect time for a fresh start and to set your goals for the new year! 2017 was a hectic year and is probably one that future generations will be studying in their history classes. But it's 2018 now; we can leave the past where it belongs and step forward into a positive year filled with success, happiness & dreams-that-are-now-reality!

For me, 2017 was a transitional year. There were new experiences, new friends and overall, a year where I experienced a lot of personal growth. I couldn't be more ready to take on the challenges that are in store for me this year and I'm excited for everything and everyone I will encounter on the way! To help me manifest my dreams this year, I like to think of realistic resolutions to help structure the year ahead. Resolutions can set the tone of your year but can discipline you to make the right choices and actions to reach your goals.

Here are a few resolutions that I aim to stick to this 2018:

1) Read more. Basically, I love to read! This year, I will aim to read at least 2 books a month & dedicate specific time-slots to do so each day. Alongside this, I will do more regular book reviews for the lifestyle section on my blog. Reading allows me to see different perspectives, challenge my thinking and increase my knowledge on a variety of topics but it's also time for me to relax and take a break from a long day. My book reviews will let me share my thoughts and hopefully inspire you in some way too!

2) Optimise all time-pockets available. There are so many '15-min waits', 'train is delayed for 30 mins' moments which just get wasted by scrolling aimlessly through social media. I will make a conscious effort to optimise these time-pockets in my day to be more productive. I could easily use this time to read, reply to emails/messages or feed my brain with info that is actually useful. Of course it's essential to give your brain a break too! I will aim to prioritise my time effectively to make sure I have some downtime in the day as well.

3) Stay ready. 2017 was filled with many new experiences - half of which I didn't know was coming my way at the start of the year! I'm positive that 2018 is going to be a great year for me and it's important for me to stay ready for new, exciting opportunities that might come my way. Spontaneous events usually end up being the best and I wouldn't want to miss out on these just because I don't feel ready. Although I've always enjoyed being challenged and stepping outside of my comfort zone, I'm ready to level up! This year, I will make the most of the opportunities that come my way.

4) Trust my instincts. Vibes don't lie & they can tell you much more than any amount of written evidence you might have. (I recommend reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell if you want to explore this idea further). I'm sure we have all had that moment when you convince yourself to trust a certain situation despite having that voice in your head & subconscious feeling telling you otherwise. Yet, we never trust our instincts. I'm a firm believer that the vibes you surround yourself with will determine your mindset, your attitudes and your choices. This year, I will continue to eliminate negativity from my life, keep a positive mindset and focus on becoming the best version of myself and actively work to reach my goals.

5) Be healthy. I'm not going to quit eating chocolate but I will be paying more attention on maintaining a healthy diet. Teamed with a more disciplined workout routine, I aim to look & feel better by the end of the year. Being healthy will allow me to experiment with new recipes and give me a better work/life balance too!

Those are 5 of my new years resolutions for 2018! I'm sure I'll think of a few more as the days go by...but I'm committed to making 2018 even better than the last! Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who made my 2017 a year to remember! It wouldn't have been the same without you and I look forward to making even more memories with you this year! ❤️

Kavita K xo

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