Review: Ole Henriksen - Vitamin C Brightening Skincare Range


If you haven't already heard of Ole Henriksen then you must be living under a rock! Ole Henriksen is a Danish skin cosmetician who has his own skincare line featuring ranges of products which target different skin concerns. From brightening, balancing and anti-ageing, you're likely to find a combination of products to add to your skincare routine.One of my main areas of concern is hyperpigmentation - I scar quite easily and so I always search for products that can help me achieve & maintain an even complexion. I saw the 'Let's Get Luminous' Vitamin C set available on and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try it out and let you know if it really gave me that #OleGlow! See below to read my thoughts on each product.

Banana Bright Eye Cream


I had heard so much about this eye cream online and I had my fingers crossed hoping this eye cream would work out for me. I don't always get a full 7/8 hours of sleep per night and overtime, my undereyes have gradually become darker. Using this eye cream twice a day, everyday for 2 months has definitely helped brighten my undereyes. Although the darkness hasn't completely diminished, I only really have darkness under my lash line whereas before, the darkness extended further below my eyes. The texture is creamy yet not heavy and it absorbs well into the skin. What stands out about this product the most is that its an excellent base for concealer. It allows my concealer to look smooth and untouched until the end of the day. Concealers I stopped wearing because they didn't last throughout my day are now wearable when I wear this eye cream as a base! I can confirm that this eye cream is worth the hype 👏🏽

Truth Serum


When it comes to skincare, my favourite type of product has to be serum. Serums are much thinner than your daily moisturisers which means they can penetrate deeper into your skin and can target your specific skin concerns a lot quicker. Vitamins C is amazing for brightening your skin so like the eyecream, I was ready for the transformation I was about to have! When I tried the serum, all I could smell was oranges! I used one pump of this serum twice a day and within 3 days I could visibly see the fading of my scars and my skin felt even and soft with a subtle glow! I don't think I have used another skincare product to give me benefits this quick, I was shocked! I have been using this product for over 2 months now and it's definitely a staple item to have in my skincare routine. If you also suffer from hyperpigmentation and/or dull skin, you should try this out!

C-Rush Brightening Gel Creme


The final product in the 'Let's Get Luminous' set I purchased. The creme has a similar consistency as the eye cream but slightly richer. It has a smooth gel-like consistency but thicker than other gel creams I've used from L'oreal and Neutrogena. This creme definitely gives you a glow that lasts throughout the day however this was my least favourite product out of the set as my makeup did not sit well on top of it and my makeup rolled off - even after waiting 15-20mins after applying this cream. My makeup wouldn't last very long and my face would become greasy by noon and started breaking up my makeup in my t-zone too. After a week of trying to make this work for me, I stopped using this and continued to use the eye cream and serum from this range with my usual daily moisturiser. When I did this, I realised it wasn't necessary to use the gel creme to get the full brightening effect and I was happy with the progress my skin had made without it! I'd say this creme would suit a dry skin type and for me, best limited to no-makeup days.

Overall thoughts


From the Truth Collection, I would reconsider repurchasing the Banana Bright Eye Cream and the Truth Serum. They have been formulated incredibly well and it's amazing to see how switching up two products in your skincare routine can make such dramatic differences in your skin. Both of these products give very quick results and after consistent use, you will reveal brighter and glowy skin! ✨ As for the Gel Creme, I have seen this work for others and it's a shame my skin didn't respond to it very well. From testing this out, I'd say a drier skin type would appreciate this creme a lot more than combination/oily skin types.Have you tried out anything from Ole Henriksen/Truth Collection? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Kavita xo

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***My views on these products are from my own personal experiences. Please remember that everyone reacts differently to different products – products that work for me may not work for well for you. Be sure to do some research before making purchases, especially if you do have allergies to certain ingredients.***